Housing & Colocation

Take advantage of our experience in building custom Housing Colocation solutions and connectivity services. Enhance your company peace of mind and return of investment installing your servers in our data centers. Free redundant network connection and DoS protection. Free IP announcement.

Housing Colocation Seeweb Shelf Colocation logo

Shelf Colocation

It’s a custom solution for little installations of machines. Seeweb provides a space in a rack (⅓ Rack) with the best physical security measures and an 24x7x365 control.

Housing Colocation Seeweb Rack Colocation logo

Rack Colocation

The ideal solution if you need highly-secure facilities for your equipements. Our Rack reaches high power levels and can host the most recent technology servers.

Housing Colocation Seeweb: Cage logo


A physically isolated Cage service is the best if you need to satisfy specific privacy or security requirements in a constantly monitored datacenter.


IP TrafficFlex Bandwidth

Traffic Flex is a model of traffic availability and billing that does not shape traffic. With the Traffic Flex model you can handle sudden traffic up to the speed of the port buyed (Port Bit Rate). The guaranteed bandwidth available always coincides with the port speed or Port Bit Rate.

Discover more on Trafficflex

Monitoring, security and fast support in our green datacenters

All Seeweb Housing and Colocation services are provided by our Datacenters of Milan and Frosinone, constantly managed and monitored by our experienced in-house team.
Our infrastructure allows you to have a dedicated, direct connection to the internet backbone, highly efficient fire prevention systems, redundant cooling and UPS systems compliant with the Tier III and Tier IV standards, 24x7x365 surveillance and the highest levels of physical protection.
We provide a wide range of Data Center services, like proactive protection against DoS attacks, redundant connection, remote hands, customer’s network announcement.
The use of green energy and low environmental impact cooling systems ensure our compliance with DNSH (Do Not Significant Harm).